

(SWEET2018) Introduce product of ESS-only cell '21700 cell'



Chang Kwon-jung (left) explains the newly introduced ESS products to domestic and foreign VIPs, including Mayor Yoon Jang-hyun and Mayor Gwangju.

The new product introduced by Incell at the exhibition is the 21700 Cell, which was released by Samsung SDI as an ESS-only Cell.

This product has more than 35 percent more capacity than the previous 18650 Cells, and while maintaining reliability and safety,

it also has improved life and efficiency, drawing expectations from solar energy operators, according to the company.

Samsung SDI's 21700Cell has been applied to large ESS (125MWh) installed in Australia by Tesla, so it is called ESS-only Cell that has proven excellence in performance and efficiency.

The solar energy-linked all-in-one ESS, which will be introduced this time, is an optimized product designed for easy installation and designed to maximize business profits for more than 15 years.


New battery system using 21700 Cell.

The original article : http://www.enertopianews.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=4115