

INCELL's business extends to AGV, forklift and mobility batteries


[Photo : Incell’s CEO Jung Chang Kwon]
What are the strategies and plans for developing various application models through battery application technology?
Batteries do not only apply in a few areas, but only design and packaging vary depending on their use, and can be applied to a variety of business groups.
Through continuous research and development, Incell plans to expand its market by producing lithium batteries in the military satellite sector,
along with improving product quality of its existing business groups, ESS, industry, telecommunications, mobility and medical battery packs.
For existing products, it is also continuously pushing for design of volume and weight lightening, development of packaging technology for expansion of safety and capacity,
and development of technologies that can charge high power and fast through development of BMS and BPU.
For example, the development of a battery platform for electric boats is underway.

[photo : Forklift with lithium-ion battery for mobility of Incell]


[photo:Lithium battery of Incell applied to forklift]



What if Incell's future business plans and aspirations are revealed?


We intend to firmly establish the area of ​​Incell in the domestic and overseas markets of mobility battery such as EV and AGV.

To this end, we will focus on improving the quality of existing products and developing new products through continuous research and technology development.

In addition, the company will grow into a leader in overseas ESS and lithium battery market as well as domestic market by acquiring overseas certification for overseas advancement.

The original article : http://www.industrynews.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=32224